πŸ₯©Basic resources

and hero characteristics.

HP - Basic health resources of your hero. As you level up, equip items of rank unusual and higher, and apply buffs, this level increases. Your health level is lost during battles when you take damage. When your health level reaches 0, your character dies. After a battle, your stock is instantly restored when you return to your village. At 1st level your HP = 100

AP - The base resources of your character's attack power. As you level up, equip items of rank unusual and higher, and apply buffs, this level increases. This characteristic affects how much damage you do with your base attack per 1 turn during battle. At 1st level your AP = 10

DEF - Incoming Damage Blocking Rate. 5 units of defense reduces the damage your hero takes by 1%

DR - Shows durability of equiped item. You lost 1 point of DR after 1 battle turn.

POPULATION - The number of inhabitants in your village. Your inhabitants are your army. You can take up to 75% of your population with you into battle. Until you have built barracks, your army is simple peasants. Each godling increases your XP and AP by 1 unit respectively. So, if you are 1st level, you are not wearing any boosting equipment, and if you are taking 100 men with you on your adventures, your combat stats are as follows: HP = 200 ( 100 base HP of the hero + 100 HP from the army - 1 HP for each peasant). AP = 110 (10 base AP of the hero + 100 AP from the army - 1 AP for each peasant).

You can improve your army by building barracks and developing them. By doing so, you will increase the health and attack of your army. You will also acquire special abilities for your army. Also, your population consumes food. 1 person consumes 1 point of food per hour. In case your population does not have enough food, it will gradually drop until it reaches the optimal value so that no one goes hungry. Initially, your population cannot exceed 10 people. BUILDING houses changes everything. After BUILDING houses, you initially increase the capacity of your village to 100 people. By further improving your houses, you can increase the capacity of your village! Remember - the more people you have, the more food they need!

FOOD - Your food supply. Food is spent on keeping your village's population on the same level, on building, on camping and on adventures. The stronger your army is - the more food it will require during campaigns. The amount of excess food storage is limited. With a starter farm, your maximum food supply will not be able to exceed 1000 units. Improve your farm and build storage facilities to increase the capacity of your stockpile

WOOD - Your wood supply. Wood is spent on construction, as well as building and crafting improvements. The amount of surplus wood storage is limited. With the initial sawmill, your maximum wood stockpile cannot exceed 1000 units. Upgrade your sawmill and build storages to increase the capacity of your stockpiles. There are a lot of kinds wood you can collect.

STONE - Your stockpile of stone. A rarer resource that is spent on construction as well as building and crafting improvements. The amount of excess stone you can store is limited. With the initial quarry, your maximum stone stockpile cannot exceed 1000 units. Upgrade your quarry and build storages to increase your storage capacity. There are a lot of kinds of stone you can collect.

IRON - It is used to repair your broken equipment, as well as for high level crafting. It is obtained from monsters or during high level research.

GOLD - In-game currency, which you get during battles with monsters, other players, passing dungeons, raids. You can also sell things for gold to in-game merchants on the market, as well as at the auction.

ARCAg - Donate currency. With ARCAg (Arcanor crystals ingame) you can buy the rarest game items from other players at the auction. Also you can spend crystals on cosmetic improvements and exclusive equipment, spell scrolls and buffs. ARCAg are awarded to the leaders of the ranking tables at the end of the game season. In addition to buying ARCAg, you can also exchange it on crypto! Thus earning real money.

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